
The Corporate Culture Club.

Work life got turned upside down this year, and work culture has changed dramatically. We know many companies want to go above and beyond to not just survive, but thrive. The well-being of the happy team is being integrated into the community where you work and live.

Draughtsmen is a craft brewery located in Goleta, California with a taproom in Goleta and one in Santa Barbara. We produce our favorite beers, ferment some amazing wine and cider and brew a variety of non-alcoholic hopped teas. Above all else we have created a community with good people while inspiring positive change.

We want to help you add to your vibrant company culture where we are able to encourage socializing and cultivating a healthy outlet for team comradery.

A happy team is a productive team.

To sign up or learn more

give us a call.

(805) 387-2577

Let’s have a pint.


It is all in the Details.

  • Draughtsmen Culture Pass provided {2 passes per company}

  • Draughtsmen provides Happy Hour pricing on beverages {Includes beer, wine, cider and hopped tea - where it is sold.}

  • Kegs at wholesale for corporate events

  • No minimum sales for private events at Draughtsmen in Goleta

  • Host a corporate party, no facility fee {based on space availability}

  • Co-branded glasses at chosen location {qty 12 included,  $10 for per each additional glass}

  • Two Dozen Brewcoin cards given annually upon sign up and program renewal {One card is worth one pint of beer.}

    Annual Fee: $325 plus $150 minimum monthly spend at any DA location